1. The only thing that will affect my participation in this class is that i do not always have access to the internet.
2. My best learning experience was in history when Mr. Grissafi was talking about the revolution and he used problems with the issues students have with the the rules and how it effects us and how it was the same with the American Revolution. It helped me learn because it was something that related to me.
3. What i want to learn in this class is how English can help me with life because I want to learn about how it can benefit me. What i have learned is how i have the right to my own opinion and i have to make it known. I think this could make a difference in my life because i will be more open to talk and know how to approach it.
I like your reflection about how you want this class to be like. The blogs are graded just like in class assignments and I know that your internet connection may be bad at times but try to network and create hard copies of the blog posts so that you can upload them when you do have internet. If you do need help with the content or tech support feel free to email me. I look forward to seeing more from you.